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725 lines
** Astrolog (Version 4.40) File: io.c
** IMPORTANT NOTICE: The graphics database and chart display routines
** used in this program are Copyright (C) 1991-1995 by Walter D. Pullen
** (astara@u.washington.edu). Permission is granted to freely use and
** distribute these routines provided one doesn't sell, restrict, or
** profit from them in any way. Modification is allowed provided these
** notices remain with any altered or edited versions of the program.
** The main planetary calculation routines used in this program have
** been Copyrighted and the core of this program is basically a
** conversion to C of the routines created by James Neely as listed in
** Michael Erlewine's 'Manual of Computer Programming for Astrologers',
** available from Matrix Software. The copyright gives us permission to
** use the routines for personal use but not to sell them or profit from
** them in any way.
** The PostScript code within the core graphics routines are programmed
** and Copyright (C) 1992-1993 by Brian D. Willoughby
** (brianw@sounds.wa.com). Conditions are identical to those above.
** The extended accurate ephemeris databases and formulas are from the
** calculation routines in the program "Placalc" and are programmed and
** Copyright (C) 1989,1991,1993 by Astrodienst AG and Alois Treindl
** (alois@azur.ch). The use of that source code is subject to
** regulations made by Astrodienst Zurich, and the code is not in the
** public domain. This copyright notice must not be changed or removed
** by any user of this program.
** Initial programming 8/28,30, 9/10,13,16,20,23, 10/3,6,7, 11/7,10,21/1991.
** X Window graphics initially programmed 10/23-29/1991.
** PostScript graphics initially programmed 11/29-30/1992.
** Last code change made 1/29/1995.
#include "astrolog.h"
** File IO Routines.
/* Open the file indicated by the given string and return the file's stream */
/* pointer, or NULL if the file couldn't be found or opened. All parts of */
/* the program which open files to read call this routine. We look in */
/* several various locations and directories for the file before giving up. */
FILE *FileOpen(szFile, nFileMode)
char *szFile;
int nFileMode;
FILE *file;
char name[cchSzDef], mode[3];
#ifdef ENVIRON
char *env;
/* Some file types we want to open as binary instead of Ascii. */
sprintf(mode, "r%s", nFileMode == 2 ? "b" : "");
/* First look for the file in the current directory. */
file = fopen(szFile, mode);
if (file != NULL)
return file;
#ifdef ENVIRON
/* Next look for the file in the directory indicated by the version */
/* specific system environment variable. */
sprintf(name, "%s%s", ENVIRONVER, szVersionCore);
env = getenv(name);
if (env && *env) {
sprintf(name, "%s%c%s", env, chDirSep, szFile);
file = fopen(name, mode);
if (file != NULL)
return file;
/* Next look in the directory in the general environment variable. */
env = getenv(ENVIRONALL);
if (env && *env) {
sprintf(name, "%s%c%s", env, chDirSep, szFile);
file = fopen(name, mode);
if (file != NULL)
return file;
/* Next look in the directory in the version prefix environment variable. */
env = getenv(ENVIRONVER);
if (env && *env) {
sprintf(name, "%s%c%s", env, chDirSep, szFile);
file = fopen(name, mode);
if (file != NULL)
return file;
/* Finally look in one of several directories specified at compile time. */
sprintf(name, "%s%c%s", nFileMode == 0 ? DEFAULT_DIR :
(nFileMode == 1 ? CHART_DIR : EPHE_DIR), chDirSep, szFile);
file = fopen(name, mode);
if (file == NULL && nFileMode == 1) {
/* If the file was never found, print an error (unless we were looking */
/* for a certain file type, e.g. the optional astrolog.dat file). */
sprintf(name, "File '%s' not found.", szFile);
return file;
Ajout personnel Abel Philipe 26/7/95
La fonction feof semble buguée. Je la remplace par celle ci-dessous :
#ifdef ATARI
int feof2(FILE *file)
int eof=getc(file);
if (eof!=EOF)
/* This is Astrolog's generic file processing routine, which handles chart */
/* info files, position files, and config files. Given a file name or a */
/* file handle, run through each line as a series of command switches. */
bool FProcessSwitchFile(szFile, file)
char *szFile;
FILE *file;
char szLine[cchSzMax], *argv[MAXSWITCHES], ch;
int argc, i;
if (file == NULL)
file = FileOpen(szFile, 0);
if (file == NULL)
return fFalse;
/* All files have to begin with the -@ switch file type identifier. */
ch = getc(file); ungetc(ch, file);
if (ch != '@') {
sprintf(szLine, "The command file '%s' is not in any valid format.",
return fFalse;
#ifdef ATARI
while (!feof2(file)) {
while (!feof2(file) && (ch = getc(file)) < ' ')
for (szLine[0] = ch, i = 1; i < cchSzMax && !feof2(file) &&
while (!feof(file)) {
while (!feof(file) && (ch = getc(file)) < ' ')
for (szLine[0] = ch, i = 1; i < cchSzMax && !feof(file) &&
(szLine[i] = getc(file)) >= ' '; i++)
szLine[i] = chNull;
argc = NParseCommandLine(szLine, argv);
if (!FProcessSwitches(argc, argv))
return fFalse;
return fTrue;
/* Take the current chart information, and write it out to the file */
/* as indicated by the -o switch. This is only executed at the end of */
/* program execution if the -o switch is in effect. */
bool FOutputData()
char sz[cchSzDef];
FILE *file;
int i, j;
real rT;
file = fopen(is.szFileOut, "w"); /* Create and open the file for output. */
if (file == NULL) {
sprintf(sz, "File %s can not be created.", is.szFileOut);
return fFalse;
if (!us.fWritePos) {
/* Write the chart information to the file. */
if (Mon < 1) {
PrintError("Can't output chart with no time/space to file.");
return fFalse;
if (us.fWriteOld) {
fprintf(file, "%d\n%d\n%d\n%.2f\n%.2f\n%.2f\n%.2f\n",
Mon, Day, Yea, Tim, Zon-Dst, Lon, Lat);
} else {
fprintf(file, "@0102 ; %s chart info.\n", szAppName);
i = us.fAnsi;
us.fAnsi = fFalse;
fprintf(file, "%cqb %c%c%c %d %d %s %s %s %s\n", chSwitch, chMon3(Mon),
Day, Yea, SzTim(Tim), Dst == 0.0 ? "ST" : (Dst == 1.0 ? "DT" :
SzZone(Dst)), SzZone(-Zon), SzLocation(Lon, Lat));
fprintf(file, "%czi \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", chSwitch, ciMain.nam, ciMain.loc);
us.fAnsi = i;
} else {
/* However, if the -o0 switch is in effect, then write the actual */
/* positions of the planets and houses to the file instead. */
if (us.fWriteOld) {
for (i = 1; i <= oNorm; i++) {
j = (int)planet[i];
fprintf(file, "%c%c%c: %2d %2d %10.7f\n", chObj3(i),
j%30, j/30+1, RFract(planet[i])*60.0); /* Position */
rT = planetalt[i];
fprintf(file, "[%c]: %3d %12.8f\n", /* Altitude */
ret[i] >= 0.0 ? 'D' : chRet, (int)(RSgn(rT)*
RFloor(RAbs(rT))), (rT-(real)(int)rT)*60.0); /* Retrograde? */
if (i == oNod)
i = oFor-1;
else if (i == oFor)
i = oMC -1;
else if (i == oMC)
i = oAsc-1;
else if (i == oAsc)
i = oVtx-1;
else if (i == oVtx) /* Skip minor cusps to write uranians */
i = us.fUranian ? uranLo-1 : cObj;
for (i = 1; i <= cSign/2; i++) { /* Write first six cusp positions */
j = (int)house[i];
fprintf(file, "H_%c: %2d %2d %10.7f\n",
'a'+i-1, j%30, j/30+1, RFract(house[i])*60.0);
} else {
fprintf(file, "@0203 ; %s chart positions.\n", szAppName);
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) if (!ignore[i] || FCusp(i)) {
fprintf(file, "%cYF ", chSwitch);
if (i <= oNorm)
fprintf(file, "%c%c%c", chObj3(i));
fprintf(file, "%3d", i);
rT = FBetween(i, cuspLo-1+4, cuspLo-1+9) ?
house[i-(cuspLo-1)] : planet[i];
j = (int)rT;
fprintf(file, ":%3d %c%c%c%13.9f,%4d%13.9f,",
j%30, chSig3(j/30+1), RFract(rT)*60.0,
(int)planetalt[i], RFract(RAbs(planetalt[i]))*60.0);
rT = i > oNorm ? 999.0 : (i == oMoo && !us.fPlacalc ? 0.0026 :
fprintf(file, "%14.9f%14.9f\n", DFromR(ret[i]), rT);
/* Now write any extra strings that were on the command line after the -o */
/* specification but before the next switch, to the file as comments. */
for (i = 1; i < is.cszComment; i++) {
fprintf(file, "%s%s\n", us.fWriteOld ? "" : "; ", is.rgszComment[1]);
return fTrue;
** User Input Routines.
/* Given a string, return an index number corresponding to what the string */
/* indicates, based on a given parsing mode. In most cases this is mainly */
/* looking up a string in the appropriate array and returning the index. */
int NParseSz(szEntry, pm)
char *szEntry;
int pm;
char szLocal[cchSzMax], *sz, ch0, ch1, ch2;
int cch, n, i;
/* First strip off any leading or trailing spaces. */
for (cch = 0; szLocal[cch] = szEntry[cch]; cch++)
while (cch && szLocal[cch-1] <= ' ')
szLocal[--cch] = chNull;
for (sz = szLocal; *sz && *sz <= ' '; sz++, cch--)
if (cch >= 3) {
ch0 = ChCap(sz[0]); ch1 = ChUncap(sz[1]); ch2 = ChUncap(sz[2]);
switch (pm) {
/* Parse months, e.g. "February" or "Feb" -> 2 for February. */
case pmMon:
for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++) {
if (ch0 == szMonth[i][0] && ch1 == szMonth[i][1] &&
ch2 == szMonth[i][2])
return i;
/* Parse planets, e.g. "Jupiter" or "Jup" -> 6 for Jupiter. */
case pmObject:
for (i = 1; i <= cObj; i++) {
if (ch0 == szObjName[i][0] && ch1 == szObjName[i][1] &&
ch2 == szObjName[i][2])
return i;
if (ch0 == 'L' && ch1 == 'i' && ch2 == 'l')
return oLil;
if (ch0 == 'S' && ch1 == '.' && ch2 == 'n')
return oSou;
/* Parse aspects, e.g. "Conjunct" or "Con" -> 1 for the Conjunction. */
case pmAspect:
for (i = 1; i <= cAspect; i++) {
if (ch0 == szAspectAbbrev[i][0] &&
ch1 == ChUncap(szAspectAbbrev[i][1]) &&
ch2 == szAspectAbbrev[i][2])
return i;
/* Parse house systems, e.g. "Koch" or "Koc" -> 1 for Koch houses. */
case pmSystem:
for (i = 1; i <= cSystem; i++) {
if (ch0 == szSystem[i][0] && ch1 == szSystem[i][1] &&
ch2 == szSystem[i][2])
return i;
/* Parse zodiac signs, e.g. "Scorpio" or "Sco" -> 8 for Scorpio. */
case pmSign:
for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++) {
if (ch0 == szSignName[i][0] && ch1 == szSignName[i][1] &&
ch2 == szSignName[i][2])
return i;
/* Parse colors, e.g. "White" or "Whi" -> 15 for White. */
case pmColor:
for (i = 0; i < 16 ; i++) {
if (ch0 == szColor[i][0] && ch1 == szColor[i][1] &&
ch2 == ChUncap(szColor[i][2]))
return i;
n = atoi(sz);
if (pm == pmYea) {
/* For years, process any "BC" (or "B.C.", "b.c", and variations) and */
/* convert an example such as "5BC" to -4. For negative years, note the */
/* difference of one, as 1AD was preceeded by 1BC, with no year zero. */
i = Max(cch-1, 0);
if (i && sz[i] == '.')
if (i && ChCap(sz[i]) == 'C')
if (i && sz[i] == '.')
if (i && ChCap(sz[i]) == 'B')
n = 1 - n;
return n;
/* Given a string, return a floating point number corresponding to what the */
/* string indicates, based on a given parsing mode, like above for integers. */
real RParseSz(szEntry, pm)
char *szEntry;
int pm;
char szLocal[cchSzMax], *sz, *pch, ch;
int cch, i, f = fFalse;
real r;
/* First strip off any leading or trailing spaces. */
for (cch = 0; szLocal[cch] = szEntry[cch]; cch++)
while (cch && szLocal[cch-1] <= ' ')
szLocal[--cch] = chNull;
for (sz = szLocal; *sz && *sz <= ' '; sz++, cch--);
/* Capitalize all letters and make colons be periods to be like numbers. */
for (pch = sz; *pch; pch++) {
ch = *pch;
if (ch == ':')
ch = '.';
ch = ChCap(ch);
*pch = ch;
ch = sz[0];
if (pm == pmTim) {
/* For times, process "Noon" and "Midnight" (or just "N" and "M"). */
if (ch == 'N')
return 12.0;
else if (ch == 'M')
return 0.0;
} else if (pm == pmDst) {
/* For the Daylight time flag, "Daylight", "Yes", and "True" (or just */
/* their first characters) are all indications to be ahead one hour. */
if (ch == 'D' || ch == 'Y' || ch == 'T')
return 1.0;
/* "Standard", "No", and "False" mean the normal zero offset. */
else if (ch == 'S' || ch == 'N' || ch == 'F')
return 0.0;
} else if (pm == pmZon) {
/* For time zones, see if the abbrev is in a table, e.g. "EST" -> 5. */
for (i = 0; i < cZone; i++)
if (NCompareSz(sz, szZon[i]) == 0)
return rZon[i];
} else if (pm == pmLon || pm == pmLat) {
/* For locations, negate the value for an "E" or "S" in the middle */
/* somewhere (e.g. "105E30" or "27:40S") for eastern/southern values. */
for (i = 0; i < cch; i++) {
ch = sz[i];
if (FCapCh(ch)) {
if (ch == 'E' || ch == 'S')
f = fTrue;
sz[i] = '.';
i = cch;
ch = sz[0];
/* Anything still at this point should be in a numeric format. */
if (!FNumCh(ch) && ch != '+' && ch != '-' && ch != '.')
return rLarge;
r = (f ? -1.0 : 1.0) * atof(sz);
if (pm == pmTim) {
/* Backtrack over any time suffix, i.e. "AM", "p.m." and variations. */
i = Max(cch-1, 0);
if (i && sz[i] == '.')
if (i && sz[i] == 'M')
if (i && sz[i] == '.')
if (i) {
ch = sz[i];
if (ch == 'A') /* Adjust value appropriately */
r = r >= 12.0 ? r-12.0 : r; /* if AM or PM suffix. */
else if (ch == 'P')
r = r >= 12.0 ? r : r+12.0;
return r;
/* Stop and wait for the user to enter a line of text given a prompt to */
/* display and a string buffer to fill with it. */
void InputString(szPrompt, sz)
char *szPrompt, *sz;
FILE *file;
file = S; S = stdout;
PrintSz(" > ");
if (gets(sz) == NULL) /* Pressing control-D will terminate the */
Terminate(tcForce); /* program (at least on some machines.) */
S = file;
is.cchCol = 0;
/* Prompt the user for a floating point value, parsing as appropriate, and */
/* make sure it conforms to the specified bounds before returning it. */
int NInputRange(szPrompt, low, high, pm)
char *szPrompt;
int low, high;
int pm;
char szLine[cchSzDef];
int n;
loop {
InputString(szPrompt, szLine);
n = NParseSz(szLine, pm);
if (FBetween(n, low, high))
return n;
sprintf(szLine, "Value %d out of range from %d to %d.", n, low, high);
/* This is identical to above except it takes/returns floating point values. */
real RInputRange(szPrompt, low, high, pm)
char *szPrompt;
real low, high;
int pm;
char szLine[cchSzDef];
real r;
loop {
InputString(szPrompt, szLine);
r = RParseSz(szLine, pm);
if (FBetween(r, low, high))
return r;
sprintf(szLine, "Value %.0f out of range from %.0f to %.0f.",
r, low, high);
/* This important procedure gets all the parameters defining the chart that */
/* will be worked with later. Given a "filename", it gets from it all the */
/* pertinent chart information. This is more than just reading from a file - */
/* the procedure also takes care of the cases of prompting the user for the */
/* information and using the time functions to determine the date now - the */
/* program considers these cases "virtual" files. Furthermore, when reading */
/* from a real file, we have to check if it was written in the -o0 format. */
bool FInputData(szFile)
char *szFile;
FILE *file;
char sz[cchSzDef], ch;
int i, fT;
real k, l, m;
/* If we are to read from the virtual file "nul" that means to leave the */
/* chart information alone with whatever settings it may have already. */
if (NCompareSz(szFile, szNulCore) == 0) {
is.fHaveInfo = fTrue;
return fTrue;
/* If we are to read from the virtual file "set" then that means use a */
/* particular set of chart information generated earlier in the program. */
if (NCompareSz(szFile, szSetCore) == 0) {
is.fHaveInfo = fTrue;
ciCore = ciSave;
return fTrue;
#ifdef TIME
/* If we are to read from the file "now" then that means use the time */
/* functions to calculate the present date and time. */
if (NCompareSz(szFile, szNowCore) == 0) {
is.fHaveInfo = fTrue;
SS = us.dstDef; ZZ = us.zonDef; OO = us.lonDef; AA = us.latDef;
GetTimeNow(&MM, &DD, &YY, &TT, ZZ-SS);
return fTrue;
/* If we are to read from the file "tty" then that means prompt the user */
/* for all the chart information. */
if (NCompareSz(szFile, szTtyCore) == 0) {
file = S; S = stdout;
if (!us.fNoSwitches) {
/* Temporarily disable an internal redirection of output to a file */
/* because we always want user headers and prompts to be displayed. */
sprintf(sz, "** %s version %s ", szAppName, szVersionCore); PrintSz(sz);
sprintf(sz, "(See '%cHc' switch for copyrights and credits.) **\n",
chSwitch); PrintSz(sz);
sprintf(sz, " Invoke as '%s %cH' for list of command line options.\n",
ProcessProgname(is.szProgName), chSwitch); PrintSz(sz);
MM = NInputRange("Enter month for chart (e.g. '8' 'Aug')",
1, 12, pmMon);
DD = NInputRange("Enter day for chart (e.g. '1' '31') ",
1, DayInMonth(MM, 0), pmDay);
YY = NInputRange("Enter year for chart (e.g. '1995') ",
-5000, 5000, pmYea);
if (FBetween(YY, 0, 99)) {
"Assuming first century A.D. is really meant instead of %d.",
1900 + YY);
TT = RInputRange("Enter time for chart (e.g. '18:30' '6:30pm') ",
-2.0, 24.0, pmTim);
SS = us.fWriteOld ? 0.0 :
RInputRange("Enter if Daylight time in effect (e.g. 'y' '1')",
-24.0, 24.0, pmDst);
ZZ = RInputRange("Enter time zone (e.g. '5' 'ET' for Eastern) ",
-24.0, 24.0, pmZon);
if ((int)(RFract(ZZ) * 100.0 + rRound) == 50) {
"Assuming unusual zone of 50 minutes after the hour instead of 30.");
OO = RInputRange("Enter Longitude of place (e.g. '122W20')",
-rDegHalf, rDegHalf, pmLon);
AA = RInputRange("Enter Latitude of place (e.g. '47N36') ",
-rDegQuad, rDegQuad, pmLat);
if (!us.fWriteOld) {
InputString("Enter name or title for chart ", sz);
ciCore.nam = SzPersist(sz);
InputString("Enter name of city or location", sz);
ciCore.loc = SzPersist(sz);
is.cchRow = 0;
S = file;
return fTrue;
/* Now that the special cases are taken care of, we can assume we are */
/* to read from a real file. */
file = FileOpen(szFile, 1);
if (file == NULL)
return fFalse;
is.fHaveInfo = fTrue;
ch = getc(file); ungetc(ch, file);
/* Read the chart parameters from a standard command switch file. */
if (ch == '@') {
fT = is.fSzPersist; is.fSzPersist = fFalse;
if (!FProcessSwitchFile(szFile, file))
return fFalse;
is.fSzPersist = fT;
/* Read the chart info from an older style -o list of seven numbers. */
} else if (FNumCh(ch)) {
SS = 0.0;
fscanf(file, "%d%d%d", &MM, &DD, &YY);
fscanf(file, "%lf%lf%lf%lf", &TT, &ZZ, &OO, &AA);
if (!FValidMon(MM) || !FValidDay(DD, MM, YY) || !FValidYea(YY) ||
!FValidTim(TT) || !FValidZon(ZZ) || !FValidLon(OO) || !FValidLat(AA)) {
PrintWarning("Values in old style chart info file are out of range.");
return fFalse;
/* Read the actual chart positions from a file produced with the -o0. */
} else if (ch == 'S') {
MM = -1;
/* Hack: A negative month value means the chart parameters are invalid, */
/* hence -o0 is in effect and we can assume the chart positions are */
/* already in memory so we don't have to calculate them later. */
for (i = 1; i <= oNorm; i++) {
fscanf(file, "%s%lf%lf%lf", sz, &k, &l, &m);
planet[i] = Mod((l-1.0)*30.0+k+m/60.0);
fscanf(file, "%s%lf%lf", sz, &k, &l);
if ((m = k+l/60.0) > rDegHalf)
m = rDegMax - m;
planetalt[i] = m;
ret[i] = RFromD(sz[1] == 'D' ? 1.0 : -1.0);
/* -o0 files from versions 3.05 and before don't have the uranians in */
/* them. Be prepared to skip over them in old files for compatibility. */
if (i == oVtx) {
while (getc(file) >= ' ')
if ((ch = getc(file)) != 'H')
i = cuspHi;
i = cObj;
if (i == oNod)
i = oFor-1;
else if (i == oFor)
i = oLil-1;
else if (i == oLil)
i = oEP -1;
else if (i == oEP)
i = oVtx-1;
for (i = 1; i <= cSign/2; i++) {
fscanf(file, "%s%lf%lf%lf", sz, &k, &l, &m);
house[i+6] = Mod((house[i] = Mod((l-1.0)*30.0+k+m/60.0))+rDegHalf);
for (i = 1; i <= cSign; i++)
planet[cuspLo-1+i] = house[i];
planet[oMC] = planet[oLil]; planet[oNad] = Mod(planet[oMC] + rDegHalf);
planet[oAsc] = planet[oEP]; planet[oDes] = Mod(planet[oAsc] + rDegHalf);
planet[oSou] = Mod(planet[oNod] + rDegHalf); ret[oSou] = ret[oNod];
} else {
PrintWarning("The chart info file is not in any valid format.");
return fFalse;
return fTrue;
/* io.c */